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How to Attract and Attain Top Talent for Your Team

Posted on 02 October 2017 by Tech Careers

Job interviews have come a long way since the days of candidates sitting nervously in front of a panel of suits convincing their potential new bosses of their strengths and impressing them with their five-year plans.

More than ever, candidates are interviewing and scrutinising prospective employers before making a career move. Something which, if companies embrace it, can lead to the discovery of the perfect hire.

Potential employees attend interviews with, on average, at least two or three other companies and often receive multiple job offers. The power is with the candidate to choose who they think the best company for their career will be. Therefore, the onus is on the hirer and employer to really sell the company's strengths and culture to the candidate.

Employers now have to put in extra effort to attract and keep top candidates. The good ones are being headhunted daily, and the carrot being dangled in front of them consists of more than a staff room with table tennis and bean bags.

If your interview process consists of asking the same old questions from behind a big desk and then telling candidates ‘We’ll get back to you’, then you will never attract and attain top talent.

As an employer, you really have to make an effort to stand out from the crowd to attract the right people in a process that is now candidate driven. Keep these points in mind when recruiting new talent for your team:

1. Be transparent about the interview process from the get-go. How many rounds will there be? Who will they meet and why? How many candidates are you meeting or have you met already?

2. Give realistic timelines and stick to them. If you say you will make your decision by Tuesday next week, then make sure you do. On the off chance that the decision is delayed, communicate that with the candidates. People are happy to be flexible, but no one likes to be left in the dark.

3. If you want them, make sure they know it. Tell them how they impressed you in the interview and why you think they would be a good fit with your company culture. Show them some career love!

4. Sell your company from the inside. Introduce the candidate to your successful team members and have them give the candidate a tour of your offices. This shows the prospective candidate how open and transparent your company culture is. By spending time with existing team members they can develop a clearer idea of what the role entails and what they can achieve in your organisation.

5. Remember that a good reputation leads to great referrals! By ensuring that all candidates experience a positive interview process you are increasing the likelihood of them encouraging their connections to join your team too.



Martin has been assisting testers and business analysts with their career development for more than six years. Using his IT recruitment expertise to secure the most sought after roles and candidates.  

Contact Martin at the Wallace Myers Dublin office on 01 619 1827

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